In 1990 after about ten years Ciro Perrino appears again on the musical front with the album FAR EAST.
The songs on this album reach a high musical level by the creative use of electronic instruments.
The musical journey goes through The Middle East, the area around the Mediterranean Sea, The Great Mother Africa to The American Continent. A hero's journey. The music is a metaphor for a voyage of discovery that everyone can make and in which everyone can be the hero.
During the summer and autumn of 1990 Ciro records this album in Studio Mulinetti di Recco near Genoa. The sound engineers are Alberto Parodi and Stefano Grasso.
He plays all keyboards (mainly Akai samplers and synthesizers like Prophet VS). For the first time he composes all songs with an Atari computer and Cubase software. For the vocals he asks the Spanish singer Andrea Berges.
Ciro produces the album together with Tullio Tonelli, a dear Italian Spanish friend.                             

Click for listening on the first page of the CD-booklet below
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