During the concerts that Ciro Perrino gives at home, my home concerts, there is always an intimate atmosphere. It helps to focus on being with some people in the same space, people who sometimes knew nothing, and in this way made receptive. You can almost touch the atmosphere because of the silence. The atmosphere during the concert is magical. That is why the home concerts have a completely different character than the concerts for larger groups of people.
Everyone is quiet. Nobody moves. Ciro plays all the compositions he has chosen for that day and shares the same feelings as those who listen to the concert.
When the concert is over, there is almost always a moment of long silence. Sometimes someone applauds, sometimes not. The cheering after a concert is not important. Ciro prefers that nobody cheers. This means that everyone is in the same mood, who created them and that no one is distracted.

Frequently Asked Questions

        After the concert the sharing begins with each other. People smile and look at each other. It seems like everyone has come home from a trip. An inner journey.

        Ciro wishes everyone at the beginning of the concert a ' Bon Voyage '.

        After the concert Ciro asks the listeners to share their experiences with each other. Some people are crying or are about to do this. Others have a problem with expressing their feelings, but there is always someone to help. Ciro does his best to let everyone say something, but only if people feel that way and want to share it. Sometimes it ends with lighter subjects, with jokes and with laughter. Everything helps to express feelings. The most important is to respect each other.

        Music plays an important role in becoming better in the broadest sense of the word. During the concerts these things happen. People feel better, live up, feel vital.

        Finally the people decide if the emotional tensions are flowed out, to go home.

        Some come back to make the same experience again. Others take home experiences that enrich their lives. 

        Music gives people the opportunity to go as deep as they want. Everyone does this in their own way.

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