Andrea De MartiniE

Andrea De Martini

Andrea plays in the Celeste Project contra saxophone and tenor saxophone.

Frequently Asked Questions

        He is born in Sanremo in 1968, graduated in political science from the University of Pavia with a thesis on "Jazz music between amateurism and professionalism". He is a saxophonist and studies saxophone and improvisation with Prof. Livio Zanellato. He then continues his studies with ensemble music courses first by Maestro Umberto Petrin and then by Maestro Giampaolo Casati. After his military service he plays in these years in the most important formations of the jazz scene of Western Liguria: Sanremo Jazz big Band, jazz Amassadors Big Band, West Project Orchestra, Red Cat Jazz Band. He collaborates with artists and bands with different musical backgrounds (Lythium, Stefano Piro, Nicholas and Soulshine, Ratamacue). He dedicates himself to creating his own musical project, Ottimo Massimo, whose latest album "Tella Tingia Too", released in 2017, receives a good assessment of specialized critics. He is not only a musician, but also the current president of DEM'ART, an active association in the world of show business. At the same time, he has devoted more than 20 years to creating, organizing and executing events, performances and representations of various kinds.

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